Brazilian Portuguese - 巴西葡语
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 23/07/2013
Author: woods.zhang
Support: [email protected]
This extension adds a Brazilian Portuguese - 巴西葡语 to your store
Contact QQ: 309479600
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Site structure using: LINUX + NGINX + PHP + MYSQL + MEMCACHE
1) Unzip the downloaded archive.
2) Upload the contents of the folder called upload to the root directory of your Hecart installation.
3) Proceed to System > Localisation > Languages click insert
Language Name: Português (BR)
Code: pt-br
Locale: pt_BR.UTF-8,pt_BR,pt-br,pt_br,portuguese,portugues
Image: br.png
Directory: portuguese-br
Filename: portuguese-br
Status: Enabled
4) That is all. Thank you for downloading and using this mod. If you like this mod please provide your star rating for it.
If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] and I will do what I can to help.